Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Lost Interest

I have to admit that I have really lost interest in my blog. I am sure that part of the reason is because I have put no effort into making it nice. Also, I can't say that I have put any real emotion into the entries. I e-mail and talk to at least one friend or family member on a daily basis (always someone different). I also talk to Steve, so by the time I sit down to type out a blog entry, I just don't feel like hashing up emotions. As you've probably noticed, my blog is more like a personal news flash, which is BORING. I will probably scrap the whole thing, but for now I'll think about it & add another boring entry.

Freckle Face Girl @ 11:02 AM

Saturday, March 26, 2005

News Update for Easter

We got the house & were selected for the Florida Marlins Ballpark! What an amazing week. Steve is going to be busy with both. We have already started working on the house. Last weekend, I spent about 6 hours bleaching & scrubbing one of the bathrooms. Steve tore apart the 70s style drop-down ceiling in the kitchen. He also removed the drywall on a few walls and we took out the carpet in the bedrooms. On Monday, we had Bug Busters come and tent the house. Now all the little vermons are dead. That is a great thing to do before moving in. We also called ADT security and set up the paperwork. We have to call them to set up the installation. This is extremely important since we are about two blocks away from an "economically challenged area" (the hood). Speaking of that, I looked on-line and found out that there are 17 sexual offenders & 2 sexual predators within a mile and a half of our new home. -more reason for the security system. I really hope that this neighborhood turns around as quickly as it looks like it is going to.

The in-laws are coming today. They'll be here for the Easter weekend. I have a lot of cleaning to do before they get here. Since we have been working on the other house, I have completely lost interest in this place. It is even hard to get motivated knowing they'll be here in 4 hours. I figure we will not be spending too much time here. We'll take them to see the house and then we'll go around Miami doing fun things. Tomorrow, we are going to have a bbq on the beach. For the last few days, the highs have been above 90 degrees. Hopefully, there are coastal breezes. It should be a fun weekend anyway.

Freckle Face Girl @ 7:44 AM

Friday, March 18, 2005

The BIG Day

Today is the day that we are closing on our house. We will be at the title company at 11am. I took the morning off to go to the bank, do the walk through, freak out...

Actually, I am more worried about the mountains of work that NEEDs to be done today. We are teaming with a large company to go after the Florida Marlins Stadium and the proposal is due on Monday. I have been working like crazy trying to write up plans for Minority Work Force Programs, Minority Business Participation, Community Involvement, etc. (Not to mention all of our company information.) I feel really sorry for the other company, it takes a HUGE effort to put together these proposals and then the presentation is on Wednesday, so they have to work on them simultaneously. Then again - they have a team of people working on this. When we go after projects alone, I often have to do all the work by myself. Oh well - I am keeping my fingers crossed for the project, because it is good for the company & for Steve. He would be a Superintendent on the job. I think it would be a dream project for him. He is a HUGE sports fan (especially teams in Miami), the company he'd be working with is amazing, and he'd have guaranteed work until Feb 2008.

Ok - I realize I got off topic. We are going to be home owners. WOW! I have already picked out paint colors for the inside & have a list of projects we'll be starting on tomorrow. Poor Steve!!!
In reality - he is probably more excited then I am. I always dreamed about getting married & having lots of kids. The house was just a secondary desire. He sees it as a wonderful project & investment.

Freckle Face Girl @ 7:45 AM

Saturday, March 12, 2005

Live in the Moment

Saturday morning is my favorite time of the week. It is usually very peaceful and stress-free. I wake up before Steve so I usually start doing laundry and then head to my computer to play around. I hear birds chirping and the sky is bright blue. I think the temperature is supposed to get up to 75 degrees today. Actually, that is cool for this time of year. It is usually in the low 80s. I have no idea what our plans are for the weekend & that is really nice. Steve mentioned that he wants to go to the beach on Sunday. We will also do some packing, but our time is ours to plan or relax (so opposite of work). Can you tell that I am desperately trying to live in the moment?

Freckle Face Girl @ 9:04 AM

Friday, March 11, 2005

All Work & No Play

I'm writing not because I have something extremely exciting to share, just because it has been a while. Work is consuming my life again. Yesterday, I pulled a 17 hour work day. Unfortunately, I don't see too much relief happening between now & the end of the month.

I guess I do have some exciting news - we are supposed to close on our house next Friday. I have heard a lot of nightmare stories of delays & needing more money, but we're keeping our fingers crossed. There has to be a certain amount of difficulty in life and I have that in other areas, so I'd like to believe that I'll get a break here. We'll see.

I can't spend too much time writing the entry. I have LOADS of work to do. In my next life, I am going to work for the government. The benefits & time off are shocking to me. I have to admit that a large part of me likes overcoming extreme challenges. I also have great co-workers and a wonderful boss. Back to work...

Freckle Face Girl @ 11:38 AM

Saturday, March 05, 2005

Exciting Times

It is Saturday morning and I am looking forward to a great day. This morning, we are going to head over to South Beach. Hopefully, we can soak in some rays before tonight. My boss has invited us to go to a charity ball for Big Brothers/Big Sisters. He purchased half of a table. Carnival Cruise line is hosting it. John Secada (remember him?) will be the main performer. The best part is that we have a great evening of entertainment & don’t have to spend a dime (important this month). Fortunately, this one isn't even formal. The dress is "Miami Casual Elegance." --Whatever that means. I'm guessing that is what you'd wear to something like a company Christmas party. Hopefully, I'm right.

Good news about the house - the mortgage broker called me yesterday to say we can close on the 11th if we want to & the Seller wants to. Don't get me wrong, I would love to get this all over with, but we already will have 6 weeks to fix up the house & move. Why add on another week of paying more interest? No thanks! We are moving ahead though.

Freckle Face Girl @ 9:01 AM

my name

hubby & baby

Husband: Steve
Baby: Lexi (born Jan 26th)

future blog
Freckle Face Girl
about me

This blog is like a journal for me. It is also a way for my friends to keep tabs on me.

For people who don't know me, I come from a big family (3 brothers & 1 sister). We moved around a LOT, so I am not really from one particular place. I like to call Katy, Texas my home though.

Recent news, my Dad & Mother-in-Law were diagnosed with Terminal Cancer in April/May of 2005. My dad passed away 5-Dec-05 .

Traveling, Learning About Different Cultures & Religions (Majored in Geography), Going to the Beach, and People Watching
site name
Named after two Greek Goddesses, which were selected because I needed luck for buying a house and getting pregnant. I am not superstitious, but somehow it worked! The house was bought in March & I found out I was pregnant in June of last year.

January 2005
February 2005
March 2005
April 2005
May 2005
June 2005
July 2005
August 2005
September 2005
October 2005
November 2005
December 2005
January 2006
February 2006
March 2006
April 2006
May 2006

fam & friends

Queen Pegness

Princess and Johnsy

Journal of the Boss

Thats So Lizzie

check out


Miss Zoot


Gluten Free Girl

Breakfast with Tiffany

Mrs Talkington

Amelia Earhart

Brooklyn Girl

Uncommon Misconception


The New Miamian

Amy In Miami